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July 12, 2011

Netflix jacks up rates – I cancelled

Filed under: Random Thought — Tags: — Nate @ 2:58 pm

All that trouble tracking down why my Netflix HD streaming was not working for nothing? I guess so. Netflix sent me an email a short time ago said they were going to increase the cost of my plan from $10 to $16. So I closed my account. They raised the price by a buck from $9 to $10 last November.

I normally wouldn’t mind the increase in charges if I was using the service, but I checked my email archives I’ve had the same DVD sitting waiting to be played since May 31st, and the last time I streamed a “full” movie or tv show from their streaming service looks to be January 2010 based on the “How was the quality of X?” emails. I didn’t think it was that long ago. I have streamed short segments of a bunch of stuff over the past year but always got bored of what I was watching so never watched more than a few minutes at a time.

If they had a better selection …..especially on the streaming side, I swear every time I’ve gone there in the past 6 months I have not noticed a single thing I wanted to stream. I suppose part of that is having a Tivo for so long I really don’t keep track of what kind of things come out, frequently coming across TV shows for the first time long after they had been canceled.

I have a week to return this DVD that has been sitting here for almost 2 months, I guess I will go pop it in the mail because I likely won’t get around to watching it in the next week.

What would of been nicer of course is if Netflix was better at being able to bill based on actual usage, if so my bill probably should of been $0.99/mo 🙂

Netflix’s content costs are apparently about to skyrocket so they need to get ready for that by raising rates..

[..] Barclays analyst Douglas Anmuth: He figures Netflix will have a total streaming commitment of $2 billion by the end of 2011.

Let me know when we have a video streaming service that is fulfills the dream of this Qwest commercial. I’m not holding my breath.

I’m more than happy to pay for premium services or products, in this case I was just paying them for the convenience that I might use it. I’ve rented 11 DVDs (10 of which I have watched) so far in 2011 through Netflix, and 17 in 2010.


  1. […] to see. I don’t blame Netflix for the price hikes, I didn’t like them so I quit the service, but it seems clear they are losing money pretty badly (apparently they’ve been using fancy […]

    Pingback by Netflix acknowledges significant customer backlash « — July 25, 2011 @ 5:16 pm

  2. […] The main story seems to be the loss of subscribers, and not being profitable over the next year or so due to costs associated with expansion into other markets. They lost more than 800,000 subscribers in the quarter, myself being one of them. […]

    Pingback by Netflix’s Buzzsaw « — October 25, 2011 @ 6:39 am

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